Our Society is committed to keeping alive the traditions and heritage of the 22nd Infantry. Click here for more information.
The 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment is the only current active unit of the 22nd Infantry Regiment. 2-22IN is currently stationed at Fort Drum, NY as part of the 10th Mountain Division.
Our membership dues help support our newsletters, reunion activities and other support for our 22nd Infantry Regiment active duty soldiers and veterans. In the next section you can pay your dues electronically. You can also send the form with your check to the address on the form.
22nd IRS Society Membership Form (pdf)
DownloadClick the membership dues button below to pay online. Or, send the form and check to the address on the form.
Special eMembership rate available for active duty soldiers E-5 and below. (complimentary)
Our motto. The Soldiers of the 22nd Infantry live by these words.
Deeds Not Words
Taken from General Order Number 10, announcing the death of Captain George J. Godfery in service to his nation. It reads:
"Captain George J. Godfrey, 22nd U. S. Infantry. Killed in action. Shot through the heart.
His military record is closed. A brilliant career ended. Deeds, silent symbols more potent than words, proclaimed his soldier worth"
Regulars by God
Late in the war of 1812, with much of the traditional indigo blue dye used for the uniforms of the Regular Army unavailable, many units began wearing uniforms of cheap gray fabric normally used by the militia. In the spring of 1814, facing an ill-prepared British force at the Battle of Chippawa, the British mistook the 22nd Infantry for volunteers and underestimated their will and discipline. It is storied that when he realized defeat, the British commander, Major General Phineas Riall, exclaimed:
“Those are regulars, by God!”
LTC(R) Mark Woempner, HQ 1/22, 2001-2003
1st Vice President
John Poggi, C 2/22, 1969
Vice President-Vietnam
Bill Bukovec, B 1/22, ’1966-1967
Vice President Afghanistan/Iraq LTC(R) Steve Russell, 1/22
Vice President
Brent McNally. 2/22
Master Treasurer
Lovie Moran, HHC 1/22
CW3 (R) Steven Doan, HHC 2/22 secretary.22nd.infantry.regiment@gmail.com
LTC(R) Mark Woempner, HQ 1/22, 2001-2003
1st Vice President
John Poggi, C 2/22, 1969
CW3 (R) Steven Doan, HHC 2/22 secretary.22nd.infantry.regiment@gmail.com
Master Treasurer
Lovie Moran, HHC 1/22
Honorary Colonel of Regiment
COL(R) Joe Dichario, HQ 2/22, 2002-2004
Honorary SGM of Regiment
CSM(R) Pete Martinez, HQ 1/22, C-HQ 1/22, 1998-1998, 2001-2006
Past President Emeritus
Lon Oakley, Jr, A 2/22, 1969-1970
President Emeritus
Skip Fahel, B 2/22, 1967-1968
President Emeritus
Bob Babcock, B 1/22 1965-1967
Honorary Colonel Emeritus
COL(R) Ed Schultz, HQ 2/22, 1967-1968
David Milewski, C 2/22, 1967-1968
WWII/Cold War
George “Herb” Artola, D-E 3/22, 1970-1971
COL(R) Kevin Brown, 2/22
Lead Registrar
CSM(R) Bruce Kosmicki
A, HHC 2-22 1997-2007
Newsletter Editor
Skip Fahel, B 2/22, 1967-1968
Jim May, 25TH Prov Co, 1968-1969
Web Admin
Christopher Wright, C 1/22
Assistant Web Admin
Michael Belis C 1/22 1970-1971
DMOR/HMOR Chairman
COL(R) Joe Dichario, HQ 2/22, 2002-2004
Scholarship Chairman
Skip Fahel, B 2/22, 1967-1968